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Your personal data will only be used by Ideas 3493, S.L .; CIF: B62051743; Postal address: Ronda Universitat, number 33, first floor, office 1A, 08007 Barcelona; Email: We collect and process your personal data for the sole purpose of keeping you informed about the activities related to Ideas for Change through newsletters and other communication that may be of interest to you for the purpose of disclosure, training and information. Your data will be used only by the people or teams at Ideas for Change that require access to them to carry out their work and will never, under any circumstances, be available to third parties or transferred to third countries or international organisations. We can only process your personal data with your consent, and will be retained only as long as you do not withdraw the consent. You can exercise all your rights according to current data protection regulations, including the right of access, correction, objection, deletion, portability and restriction, by writing to the Data Protection Officer (, attaching a copy of your national identity, document or equivalent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the consent-based processing before its withdrawal. If you do not agree with the way Ideas for Change handles your data or considers that your rights have been infringed, you can file a complaint at any time with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

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